Be real-
Women appreciate and respect real men. So, if you think that pick up lines and choreographed actions will win the girl you are sadly mistaken. If a girl catches your fancy, approach her confidently and start a conversation confidently, look in her eyes as you speak and be honest. Tell her you are attracted to her and don't be apologetic about it.
Be courteous-
Instead of saying "hey baby" greet her with a polite "hello" and begin the conversation. Do not be very philosophical but make sure you are having an intelligent conversation. During the course of the conversation encourage the girl to share her views on the issue you are discussing.
Be generous with your compliments
When complimenting her looks, dress, or smile be generous. If you find her smile disarming say "You have a cute smile" or if she is wearing a gorgeous dress compliment her dress by saying "You're wearing a gorgeous dress and it's looking even more beautiful on you"
The key is you should be presentable and confident. Be the alpha male in the crowd; however do this without appearing caveman like. It would help if you let go the fear of rejection and not think of it when approaching a girl after all not all girls are made for you. So, if a girl does not fall for you there are others who will give you a lift.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rahul_Talwar
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