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Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is Your Approach With Men?

>I am reading a very interesting book at the moment, it is called "What We May Be", by Piero Ferrucci. I've included an amazon link to the book below in case you are interested in this kind of thing. I like this one particularly as it brings a new perspective to the table which I haven't had before. It's about viewing yourself from the position of an "observer", accepting everything you but not judging anything. (Ie. as good or bad, beautiful or ugly) From there, it helps you direct the different energies you have, into creating an harmonious and positive life.

The thing that I really likd about this book though is the process it follows. It starts by going through a bunch of simple concepts, the aim of which are to detach you from yourself. To get you to understand that while you feel, you are not your feelings. While you think, you are not your thoughts. These things are actually independent to and of you. Then, once you are detached, you can observe your feelings, desires and thoughts as an independant observer while experiencing them.

The great thing about this book is that while it faces many negative behaviours, (like destructive aggression) it asks you to observe them but not to judge them. So if you see yourself getting angry and smashing a plate, or a potential partner's sense of security, it suggests you recognise those feelings and outlets and just accept them. And to realise the feelings are neither good or bad.

Once you have dispassionately accepted and recognised these thoughts, feelings and reactions, the book attempts to re-order your internal process (through the use of some pretty simple visualisations) so you can harness the energy your thoughts and feelings generate, into positive actions that improve your lot in life. Imagine that, the next time you feel the onset of road rage, you channel the energy which arises from these aggressive feelings, into actions which are creative and in tune with the pursuit of your life goals.

So the idea of the book is to understand yourself, accept who you are, then to work with what you have to achieve the best you can.

When reading this though, I thought about dating and how this advice can be applied to our processes with dealing with partners. Dating and relationships bring two people together with different outlooks on life and puts them on a parallel. At the very least, your perception on things will have a whole gender of difference from your partners perception on things. Yet how often do you apply our own perception to situations when judging his actions and reactions?

Following the advice above, how much more successful would your romantic life be if you made the effort to understand him, accept who he is (knowing he is different to you) and work with the understanding of your differences to get the optimal relationship result?

This is why we often recommend the book Catch Him and Keep Him. It is really quite intuitive. It looks at the psychology of men and explains their typical re-actions to our typical actions. It will help you understand the person you are dating. Forearmed in this manner, it certainly will help you present issues to your partner in a way that will get a much better response, promoting a much better relationship outcome.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How to Have Sex - Forbidden Sex Techniques

You may wonder why I call these forbidden sex techniques and what it has to do with how to have sex right. Well, that's because knowing them gives you sexual power beyond your imagination... yet almost nobody knows them. That's still shocking to me and I cannot find a reason for that other than that these sex techniques must be forbidden or someone seriously doesn't want us to find out how to have great sex.

Is this situation fair for ordinary guys who typically don't have a clue about how to have sex correctly and what's actually possible? From this day on -- yes, because in this article I am going to reveal some of the life changing underground sex tips what I have found during my several year researches and nobody will be able to stop you from searching for further information and becoming a guy that women worship and brag about. Here are few of my promised pure gold sexual techniques for better sex:

Ultimate oral sex technique

What I have found is that many books are teaching you all these different oral sex techniqu

es, but they seem to forget that every woman is different when it comes to making love and what feels terrific to one feels terrible to another. If we co

uld just know what every one of them wants... Actually we can easily find that out. How do we do that? By placing one or tw

o fingers in her vagina and trying all the different oral sex techniques we can think of. When we stumble upon the right one, she will let us know by slight

ly contracting her vagina. All we have to do after that is to keep steady rhythm and pressure until she has an orgasm. You can also use this observat

ion technique in other lovemaking situations -- just look for various signs whether she likes what you are doing.

What is a Deep Spot and why it is so powerful?

It is very interesting how many people who seem

to know everything about how to have sex have no clue what the deep spot is and that stimulating it is by far the easiest way to trigger a vagin

al orgasm. The deep spot is also known as Epicenter, A spot or Anterior Fornix Erogenous (AFE) zone. It

is smooth area about 3.5 to 4 inches deep inside the vagina near the cervix. You can stimulate it with your middle finger -- slide it in her vagi

na along the front wall as deep as possible (use lube and press your hand hard against her) until you feel the texture change. Then massage th

e deep spot by curling your fingertip in a "come here" way and by pressing hard with a tip of your finger against the smooth area on the front wall of her vagina. Find the right spe

ed and pressure by observing her reactions and don't back off or change it until she orgasms. After you teach her to ha

ve deep spot orgasms from your finger, you can also trigger vaginal orgasms by massaging her deep spot wi

th your penis during intercourse.

The most powerful lovemaking secret of all

What is the most sensiti

ve female erogenous zone? Yes, it's the brain. Many men have no idea of how powerful female mind actually is. It controls everything. Yo

u can literally teach her to be able to come just from your voice without any physical stimulation whatsoever. If you don't ma

ke her feel the right emotions, nothing will work. And I mean nothing, even the best sex techniques in the world. A woman must feel safe with yo

u, trust you, desire you and most importantly respect you. You have to be confident and trustworthy. You must lead her. You must not chicken out. You must be a Man.

How to make the best possible use of this information?

Why don't you try this -- when you go home, tell your wife/girlfriend that you want to make a deal of not having sex tonight. The rule is whatever happens you may not have sex. Then tease her all evening and make her want you badly, but don't let her have you. When you see she is ready, blindfold her and start whispering in her ear in detail what you would do, if you both were allowed to have sex. When she cannot take it any more, go down on her using the oral sex technique I mentioned above and then massage her deep spot with your middle finger. If you do it right, she should be very lucky lady after this.

I just scratched the surface of how to start making a woman addicted to you.

You can find out more about how to have sex the way masters do. Thank you for taking your time and reading my article, I appreciate it. I hope you will be glad you did that!

Article Source:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

7 Reasons to have more sex

We all know the most obvious reason for having sex. And although it is a good enough reason that doesn't require much further persuasion, it is still interesting to learn about additional benefits of sex.

The healing power of sex used in treating a variety of neurological illnesses and depressions is based on the substances produced during orgasm called endorphins and serotonin. An endorphin is also known as the hormone of happiness and serotonin helps our body fight stress and controls the correct transmission of neural impulses in the brain.

So here are the most common benefits of having regular sex:

1. You sleep better after having sex. It has been scientifically proven that people who have sex regularly suffer less from insomnia due to endorphins that are produced after having an orgasm. They give you the feeling of happiness and peace, and relax your cells which makes you sleepy.

2. You are more productive at work. Good sex contributes to feeling well throughout the whole work day. Your body receives the necessary amount of hormones, which keeps you in good shape. Endorphins make you feel calm and give you self-confidence while serotonin makes your brain think faster.

3. Sex cleanses your whole body. When you have sex the blood is being pumped faster, your breathing becomes more frequent; your blood gets enriched with oxygen and "washes out" all the internal organs, including heart and liver. At the same time all the toxins are eliminated out of your body through the skin via sweat.

4. Sex strengthens your heart and blood vessels. If you have sex regularly, the level of your sexual hormones, testosterone in men and estrogen in women, is increased. Testosterone strengthens bones and muscle tissue and promotes heart function, while estrogen prevents heart illnesses in women. And of course having sex leads to increased blood flow which consequently strengthens the blood vessels.

5. Sex makes you slimmer. Usually during passionate sex we unconsciously perform physical exercises that we most likely would not be able to repeat in the gym. This keeps the muscles toned plus helps burn the calories, which on average amounts to 150-200 calories per sexual intercourse.

6. Sex improves the immune system. Serotonin helps immune system create protective cells. It also works as anti-depressant and helps renew the body tissues.

7. Sex cures headaches. The hormone called oxytocin is released during sex. It is mainly responsible for our orgasm and the production of endorphins, but also it can relieve spasms and pain provided that it is produced in large quantities.

So the next time your girl complains about a headache, don't let that be her excuse not to have sex, but instead let her learn first hand about the healing power of sex!
Article Source: