Talk dirty- Talking dirty is one of the best ways to pleasure a girl and get her ready for the main act. Women mostly tend to love naughty kinky talks but when it's within limits.
Discuss everything- Sometimes it tends to get into the awkward mode where you get an awkward feeling around someone. Women go through the same and it's extremely important to catch when they are actually going through this. Discuss what she prefers and how she likes it. Try to break all communication barriers and be open about this topic with her. There is absolutely nothing with talking about it with her. You want it and she wants it at the same time.
Transfer control- Women never feel pleasured unless they are given control occasionally. Make it a point to take control by turns and let her have her way once in a while. According to some males giving woman the control is like letting her take over. This has nothing to do with who controls whom rather all about pleasure. If you can't take turns you would never achieve optimum pleasure in bed.
Don't sleep- Most men tend to fall asleep instantly after sex. Women go through an emotional change the moment they orgasm. They feel the need to be more emotionally connected to you after sex. The best thing to do is to always pick a topic and talk about it. Don't let it be silent and don't go to sleep instantly.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pushpa_Pal_Singh
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