Author: My Relationship Tips
Men enjoy risks, according to psychologists thus dating multiple girls gives them an intense feeling, at the same time men consider it as an approach to date efficiently. Yes, it puts men in a lot of risks, but that’s how they want it.
Studies in a certain university show that forty five percent of men at one time had been in dating multiple girls and was in a relationship wherein they and their dating partners is free to date other people.
On the other hand, almost all girls are not comfortable with their steady dates seeing other girls. A fact is, girls are jealous individuals and infidelity is never accepted.
According to psychologists, a relationship helps one to understand and discover one’s self more deeply and learn how to interact more effectively with others; being in several relationships enables one to learn more.
Dating multiple girls can without a doubt give rise to uncomfortable and risky situations and can be a great strain. That is why one should think twice before doing it, or else, be totally prepared of whatever consequences that will result from your actions.
One reason why men date multiple girls is that to them, there is no “Miss Perfect”. It is by dating multiple girls that men can delight in each unique individuality that every girl brings. To some men, this is an excellent approach wherein one can discover their likes and dislikes from girls and relationships.
You get to know each person well and then you get to choose!
Dating multiple girls can be really worth it once men are truly sure about the girls that they want to spend some time dating and importantly, if the girl that they are dating agrees that their dating is not mutually limited to each other. Simply put, being honest can save one from a lot of stress when dating multiple girls.
The man should set things clear from the very start by letting the girl know that they should not be entirely committed to each other and that he still wants to date other girls; this sets the record straight and keeps both of you from trouble.
However men has to keep in mind that this kind of arrangement has to work both ways; the girl that you are dating, is free to date other men as well. Then if are uncomfortable with this, or even insecure about the situation, then you should only commit to date only one girl.
Having a commitment with a girl one has everything that there is to gain. However, when you are unsure, never expect the girl to understand you.
Keep in mind that you should only date multiple girls for the reason that you simply must and never do it for the reason that this can be an exciting game to play or to boost your ego. The emotions and consequences are more than enough to exercise so much caution when dating multiple girls is concerned.
On the other hand, should you decide on being a player, there is one simple and considerate thing to do and that is setting your own rules and making it known to each girl that you are dating right from the start. If she accepts this, then good for you. If not, then find another one. Simple. You don’t have to be a snake and lie and worst, play on the girls emotions.
When you are not yet ready for a commitment or still in the process of finding the right girl for you, then casual dating of multiple girls is never wrong. As a matter of fact, it can be an intelligent decision. You are able to know a lot of girls, learn their behaviors and know if they are compatible with you and your life style. Just be honest and tell them exactly what you feel and what you want, so that there will be no need for you to sneak and no hearts will be broken.
Along the way, you might find the right girl that will stand out from among the rest. Then when you are ready, it is better to go ahead and spend some time with her exclusively. You don not want to loose her do you?
About the author: My Relationship Tips has hundreds of dating and relationship tips for men and women.
Article source: http://allwomencentral.com

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